Displaying your collection

My display cabinet!

There’s no right or wrong way to display your reborns. Some people like to have them in a display cabinet so they stay pristine and dust free, however this means 1) you need the space and money for a cabinet and 2) they are very clearly ‘dolls’ and not real babies!

Others opt for bassinets (which you can usually pick up quite cheaply second hand), cots, bouncers or prams/buggies.

For a couple of years, I piled all my babies onto a big chair, because that was the only space I had.

In case you are wondering, this is the Milsbo glass display cabinet from IKEA, you can find it here. I have also seen the Kallax used to display reborns, which is a more affordable alternative.

I bought these chairs second hand, but Kalika Creations sells similar ones at the Doll Shows and through her Facebook page.

I always think it’s fun to display your reborns alongside some accessories, such as soft toys and dummies/pacifiers. One of my favourite parts of displaying reborns is dressing them up in beautiful outfits.


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My collection over the years