To Roleplay or Not To Roleplay?

That is the question.

Honestly, reborn collectors get a lot of hate online for roleplaying, which when you think about it makes no sense. From a young age we heavily encourage girls to ‘play mummy’ and feed/bathe/change their dolls, so why do people act so shocked when these girls grow up and still have the urge to do these activities with dolls?

Also, why is it socially acceptable for people to collect model trains and play with those? Or play video games? I lost half of 2020 to Animal Crossing!

I don’t often roleplay with my dolls, the closest I get is changing their outfits or holding them when watching TV. I’m one of those ‘in between’ collectors who doesn’t keep them solely in a glass cabinet, but also doesn’t fully engage in roleplay, using apps like BabySitMe.

However you like to interact with your reborns, is the right way for you. Don’t let anyone, especially not strangers on the internet, tell you otherwise.

One thing I’d recommend is, do not use real milk or formula if roleplaying bottle feeding. Fabric softener works well and does not spoil!

Let me know whether you roleplay in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.


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